Blythswood sends essentials to distressed communities in Moldova and Ukraine

By | General, News, Newsroom

Christian charity Blythswood Ireland today shipped a consignment of 7,000 shoeboxes packed with essential and practical items to schools, orphanages, hospitals and families to war ravaged Ukraine.

It was the second and final shipment of its annual Shoebox Appeal. Two weeks ago the first load was sent to Moldova, one of the poorest countries in Europe, making a total for its Christmas 2019 appeal of 14,700.

Gary Anderson, CEO of Blythswood Ireland, paid tribute to the dedicated, unpaid team of volunteers, who have spent months packing shoeboxes to help provide aid to desperate communities.

“The shoeboxes include items such as scarves, hats, gloves, toothpaste and toothbrushes and soap, things that we take for granted. We always include a small gift, something to help those receive them enjoy Christmas,” he added.

Hundreds of schools, churches and individuals throughout Northern Ireland have given generously of their time to collect, fill and donate the shoeboxes. Every single shoebox is checked centrally by a team of volunteers who ensure that they are full and of equal value.

Mr Anderson added: “As far as our Shoebox Appeal is concerned it is Christmas all year round as we start thinking about the next Christmas in January. The operation to get them ready for transportation began in mid-October.”

The Moldova consignment of 7,700 boxes was checked by volunteers at Ballylaggan Reformed Presbyterian Church in Aghadowey, which every year constructs a ‘pop-up’ sorting and storage facility in its church hall. They were then sent to the Blythswood Ireland, Antrim facility for loading up and shipping out.

The Ukraine consignment was checked and loaded up at Blythswood Ireland headquarters in Ballyclare today to get there in time for Christmas.

In the past 25 years, Blythswood has distributed more than 2million shoeboxes to disadvantaged peoples in Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Kosovo, Moldova, Pakistan, Romania, Serbia and Ukraine.

For more information about Blythswood go to


Northern Ireland Youth Forum celebrates rollercoaster 40 years

By | General, News, Newsroom

The Northern Ireland Youth Forum’s first 40 eventful years has seen its members meet everyone from former First Lady Hillary Clinton to global pop superstar Justin Bieber.

Formed back in 1979 during the Troubles, the Winter of Discontent and the beginning of the Thatcher era, the NIYF has been providing a voice for some of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged young people in Northern Ireland for four decades.

During this time, it has met with Presidents. Prime Ministers and provided input to high level negotiations such as the intensive talks conducted by former US diplomat Richard Haass and Megan O’Sullivan in 2013.

The present NIYF Director, Chris Quinn, the fourth leader of the organisation, said its many projects had helped bring young people from very diverse community backgrounds together in a spirit of collaboration and mutual respect.

Mr Quinn, speaking at a special 40th anniversary event at its headquarters in Berry Street, Belfast, said: “These remarkable young people are an example of how people from different traditions can work together to create a better society. Many of these young people, who may have not met except through the NIYF have made friendships that will last all of their lives.”

The NIYF has been instrumental in promoting the rights of young people and providing opportunities for many who have been failed by the education system. Most recently it has provided university courses to young people affected by homelessness.

In 2011 it was awarded the first ever MTV Voices Award along with Justin Bieber when Belfast played host to the MTV EMA (Europe Music Awards).

Some of the highlights of the past 40 years include:

  • Setting up of the NIYF Youth Congress
  • Presentation to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
  • Votes at 16 Campaign
  • Equal Marriage Campaign
  • Age Discrimination Campaign
  • Establishing Close links with Stormont officials and departments – including regular presentation to committees
  • Fight to Unite projects – including a study visit to the Maré Favela in Rio de Janeiro
  • Attendance at the World Youth Festival Portugal in 1998 (NIYF delegation joined with 15k young people from around the world) Street Law Inc Study Visit – Washington DC – 1999
  • Trips to Muskoka Woods Youth Camp in Ontario for world class leadership programme
  • Invitation to Obama visit to Belfast at Waterfront Hall

 Many past members have gone on to contribute to society including Brian Smyth – Belfast City Councillor Green Party Member; Conor McGinn – Labour MP for St Helen’s North, Stephen McGlade – Head of Deputy Leader of Sinn Fein, Michelle O’Neill’s Office and Susan Morgan – Ulster University Lecturer in the School of Sociology and Applied Social Sciences.


LEDCOM helps create 224 jobs in 2019

By | Business, Corporate, General, News, Newsroom

A leading enterprise centre based in County Antrim helped its clients create more than 200 jobs in 2019 with a resultant £5m boost to the economy.

The figures were revealed at the AGM of LEDCOM (Local Economic Development Company), which operates primarily in the Mid and East Antrim and Antrim and Newtownabbey council areas.

LEDCOM Chair Dr Norman Apsley said the organisation has helped support thousands of business start-ups since its’ formation in 1985 who in turn created thousands of jobs over the years and bringing hope to local communities.

He said: “In the midst of economic challenges, including the closure of large manufacturing employers, LEDCOM has worked hard to develop new opportunities by encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation”.

“This year there are 224 more people in employment through a mix of programmes, mentoring and targeted support. We have also helped support a further 942 individuals offering a better future to unemployed young people, the long term unemployed and people with disabilities.”

The Directors’ Report highlighted LEDCOM’s social and economic impact with more than £400,000 poured into the wider social economy, with the organisation delivering support to 155 business and social enterprise start-ups.

The AGM, at the company’s headquarters at Willowbank Business Park in Larne, was followed by a business and community networking lunch.

The keynote speaker was Dr Jim McIlroy, Head of Operations at Millicent Pharma, who spoke about how a start-up pharmaceuticals company with global ambitions set up in Larne, backed by one of the world’s largest equity firms, the Carlyle Group. Also attending was the newly appointed CEO of Invest NI, Kevin Holland who shared his ambitions for Invest NI and the Northern Ireland economy.

LEDCOM, in association with Intertrade Ireland and Enterprise, delivered the Co-Innovate Programme designed to support SMEs and micro-businesses in Northern Ireland and the Border Region to develop and improve their innovation capabilities and boost cross border trade.

It also provided mentoring and business support for small businesses by delivering a range of enterprise initiatives for local councils and Enterprise NI including the Northern Ireland Business Start Programme; Exploring Enterprise 4, the ASK/Amplify Programme and the Kickstart Programme.

With EU Peace IV funding LEDCOM has developed and delivered a range of initiatives supporting community groups, young people and women. These include Fresh Frontiers, a cross community youth development programme and The Women Interacting Sharing and Engagement (WISE) programme, a cross-community women’s development project in the Mid and East Antrim area.

The company currently has 57 tenant businesses and 350 employment and training places at its business parks and continues to offer managed workspace with wrap round support to encourage new businesses to develop and grow.

For more information go to:

Standing ovation for special tribute to Julie at Theatre at The Mill

By | Comedy, General, Newsroom, Theatre

Comedy actress Caroline Curran last night paid an emotional tribute to best pal and acting and writing partner Julie Maxwell Lewis after a special family and VIP showing of My Big Fat Belfast Christmas at Theatre at The Mill.

The audience, which included Julie’s dad Jim McCann, husband Rhodri Lewis and gran Anne Byatt, gave a standing ovation as a large video screen displayed photos from her life and her previous shows at Theatre at The Mill, the Lyric and the Grand Opera House to the strains of the Corr’s evocative Queen of Hollywood.

Julie and Caroline had finished an update of the script of My Big Fat Belfast Christmas, six days before Julie’s tragic and untimely death in August and Caroline is determined to keep her memory alive.

She said: “I wanted the audience to see photos of different stages of her fantastic career and with friends and family including her wedding day. It was to show how amazing she was. I’d like to give a big thank-you to everyone who came last night. It was such an emotional night, and everyone was in it together.”

The show, with its mixture of bawdy humour and family warmth, received a standing ovation just before the tribute. New cast members Bernadette Brown and Matthew Sharpe made a strong impression along with the original cast of the record-breaking 2015 production, Caroline Curran, Jimmy Doran and Abby McGibbon.

Paddy Buchanan, who had appeared in all of Caroline and Julie’s previous Christmas shows including My Big Fat Belfast Christmas, was among the large number of friends and colleagues who attended the performance.

The show runs until December 31. To book contact the Box Office on 028 9034 0202 or online
